Wednesday, August 6, 2008

~ SpoT cHeck ! ! ~

"Ring....." The bell rang. It is Seni class now. Then the teacher entered our class - 2 Keruing. Suddenly, sumone shouted "Spot check arrhhh !!" The whole class become mess. Everyone was hiding their things here n there. But after very long time i think, still no body come our class to hav the sport check.

At the same time, "Nok! Nok! Nok! " Some pengawas came in n asked us to beratur outside the class. N Encik Shukri was there too. We sat on the floor while the pengawas were "duty" in our class. After a while, 2 Jati's students came back from some where. They juz entered their class n put their things inside the class. Then Encik Shukri asked them to beratur outside juz like us. After sometimes, Encik Shukri came out from our class n asked "Siapa bawa handphone? Cepat berdiri!" But nobody stand up. Then he said again "Tak ada orang bawa ke? Jadi tengok ada telefon dalam kelas tak." Then he went into our class n came out with 2 handphones. "Tadi saya tanya tapi tak ada orang mengaku. Nanti tak boleh pergi ke pejabat menuntut ya." He said. Then Yuen Theng stood up. "Tadi saya tanya kenapa tak berdiri? Satu lagi? Siapa tu?" Encik Shukri asked again. Tis time, Amanda stood up. "Ah, tengok. cikgu bukan senang percaya. Mari sini!!" They both walked towards him. "Which one is yours? Yours?" Yuen Theng n Amanda pointed their own phone when Encik Shukri asked. "Tulis nama kamu." Encik Shukri brought them to our class n write down their names.

After 20 minutes, the pengawas asked us went back to our class. We tought tat our tables, begs, n Things will be very messy. But it's not. I mean mine. Finally, all the pengawas n Encik Shukri were leave. OH.... THANKS GOD !! Luckily i'm not kena. But i oso din bring barang rampasan la.. hehe....
When the bell rang, i n Yi Shiuan went home bcos we were not staying back for the koko.

Tis was the sport check day for us. But 2 Meranti haven sport check yet. So good... ~Sigh~ Watever... Tis is it for today. Hope u all not kena for the spot check. Bye..