Tuesday, August 5, 2008

~ SejaRah cLasS ~

Today's Sejarah class, all 2 Keruing students went to Dataran Bestari n having the Sejarah drama. We hav 5 groups. Today 3 groups presented. They r Amelia's group, Renuka's group, n Farah's group. In tis three groups, Farah's group is the funniest. We laughed. When they r acting the drama, i saw sum ppl from upstairs looking down. After tat, we change our "stage" to Laman Ilmu. Oh ya, the other 2 group hav to present next Monday. WAT ?? Next week exam leh.. Still wanna present.. No need study ar? The teacher thought tat we r wat? Genius? Oh c'mon.. maybe the others r... But... I'M NOT !! Then Yung tried to ask teacher tat can we present after holiday? Then u noe wat? She been scolded by one person. ~Sigh~

During reccess, we ate. After tat, we waited the bell to ring beside the stairs. Then i squat at there n looked at the sky. It's look like wanna to rain. But i like it. I like sky very much. It is beautiful. Actually, i dun noe wat the reason i lik the sky. But i juz like it. Everytime when i'm looking at the sky, i feel very freedom, very relax. Maybe tats the reason. I think.

Well, I think i hav to end here. Bye... ^^