Tuesday, August 5, 2008

~ tHe miSsinG daiRieS ~

Hii guys! Sorry cos i'm not honour my promise to blog as my dairy. So, now i'm goin to refresh my mind n blog down the missing dairy.

FRIDAY ( 1.8.2008 )
Today is the first day of August. Nothing special happen today. After school, i went to tuition as usual. During tuition, i was very sleepy. I always doze n my eyes almost cant open. I dun noe y i very tried today. Finally, the tuition ended. Then i went home n hav a nap.

At night, i hav to go for tuition at Didik Cemerlang. The tuition class finished at 9.00p.m. When i arrived my house, my sis n i began watching movie. We watched until 11.30p.m. Bcos tomorrow no school, so we can sleep later.

SATURDAY ( 2.8.2008 )
Today is the 2nd day for the sales of MPH. My mum brought me to Maluri Jusco n bought 2 novels. I was very happy bcos i hav 2 new novels. At 4.30p.m. I went for tuition at Remaja. It is a Math tuition. I dun noe wat the teacher is talking about bcos i really dun understand the topic. All the formulas were mess. ~Sigh~ Tis topic is damn difficult. But teacher said tat it is the easier topic. I DUN THINK SO !! After the class ended, we went for a birthday party. The birthday boy is my brother's friend. His house is damn beautiful. I like it very very much. We went home at 9.30p.m. Then my sis n i continue our movie yesterday. At 11.00p.m. it's the time for our dream. Zzzz...

SUNDAY ( 3.8.2008 )
Today i very happy bcos i can meet with my primary school's friend. Her name is Shu Ding. Since today, She will join my personal science class. I was really very very happy. I can tuition with her again. Long time i din meet her. She's still the same. After tuition, we chat. We chat about the past, the tuition teacher tat was juz came back from China, n many many things we had chatted. I hope tat our relationships will not end, forever n ever.

MONDAY ( 4.8.2008 )
I dun like tis day, bcos it is the longest day i hav to stay in school. N oso we hav to present our Sejarah tomorrow. ~Sigh~ I dun noe how to act la.. Wan to berperang, berunding, n more... We must act tis out. N the marks is 20%. Arrrhhhhhh..... Acting is the most difficult thing for me. Tis 20% is very important. So, we decided to practise during PJ class. But at last, we din practise at all.

These are the missing dairies. Before i leave, I would like to apologise once again. Sorry...