Friday, October 17, 2008

~ dOnuTs ~

Today, my bro gt tuition.. N he is back with a box of DONUTS... It's not Big Apple's.. Not Jco's.. Its Dunkin Donuts... There only 6 pieces of donuts in 1 box.. But it is delicious.. I ate a donut which is green tea favour.. The taste of green tea is not very strong.. n it's sweet.. tasty..Hmm.... I like it..
Besides tat, today my bro is having his Science exam paper..( in Chinese )

When my mum asked him.."How is ur exam paper?"

He said "Okay lor.. The question i hav studied lor.. But dun noe correct or not lar.."

N he receive his mathematics exam paper.. he is too careless until he lost 5 marks.. ~sigh~ my mum scold him for hours..Kesian..But i think the next one is me.. Bcos i am very scare for the exam coming soon....

Anyway... I'll try my best.. Good Luck For You Too...

Bye =D